my name is spencer, and i am proud boykisser! i also kiss girls and enbys!
welcome to my website, i will put cute things i like and lots of buttons.

my buttons!

my button! grey background, picture of me looking goofy

buttons i found

born to die, world is a fuck, kill em all 1989, this user is trash man, big number dead cops | make your own blinkies!

i like pizza

i also like boys

this text very small

as you can see. this website is under construction))

Remember: Hell beings are non-gendered entities. cool gender logo. please* use approved gender-neutral pronouns when referring to hell beings. *repeated offenses will result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to escort to the nearest Diversity Furnace.

shoutout to

crude drawing of me with happy face. i am wearing bucket hat and hoodie, and messy hair
crude drawing of me with happy face. i am wearing bucket hat and hoodie, and messy hair. i am talking